Monday, December 5, 2011


Here since ages.
This was the blog I actually began with and the one which I used to update religiously.
Joined blogger just to speak about thinks I couldn't take. Somehow my aim,  my actual purpose got deviated...

But for good.

I'd have never written another post here. But something makes me do it all  over again.
Something affected me so much that even my so bloody indifferent self got a terrible shock.

At home we have this daily after supper sessions of watching crime patrol on you tube as a family.
Having watched almost all the episodes of the latest season we just went on to watch one of the last year's episodes yesterday.

And to my Shock, surprise, and what not I should tell you its refusing to go off my mind since last night.

I don't want to analyze or find reasons for why such a thing ever happened ...
Neither am I saying no one can ever do it.

Just plainly that It shocked me...

posting all three parts in sequence for you...